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It's All About How You Get There

Every once in a while in this newly online world (I'm 55, so it's pretty new to me), I catch a moment with my fancy phone that I think is pretty cool - something that tells a story. In this case, I sadly missed filming the funniest parts of the "great migration" you are about to witness, but I did get a bit of it. Often, I just don't think about taking pictures or video when I am out in nature with the livestock. Just being there is enough.

But if you know anything about goats, then you probably know that, by and large, they really, really do not like to get wet, not even their feet. They distrust water in any form larger than a 7 gallon watering trough, and even that can be suspect. Because of this, when I moved goats to a new paddock across a stream swollen by recent rains, I was lucky to have a couple of trees down across the creek forming natural bridges.

Some of the goats had already been crossing on the trees, so all I had to do was call the hungry goats to the bridge and the majority ambled across with no problem. One goat, just to prove the rule about goats hating water, got tired of waiting in line, walked into the creek and swam across. Another, (J-lo the Princess, for those who have met her), managed to fall off the log into the stream, hauling herself out, cursing under her breath after nearly drowning. A few refused to use the bridge at all, calling disconsolately after their departing friends who were off to better pasture.

The event was a microcosm of societal interaction: there are those who follow the group, those who blaze their own path, and those too afraid to take the new path, preferring to stay behind in the comfort of the known (even if there is no longer anything to eat). Of course, there is always a fourth group in society--the ones who, like J-Lo, have their path chosen for them through mishap.

a white duck
The new ducks are loud and bossy, but lack vision.

Here at the farm, we are charting our own course. Sometimes we confidently charge into the swollen stream, making our vision come true.

But often as not, it feels like we fall off the log in our efforts to get someplace better and instead wind up someplace new.

So far, the recipe has worked ok, and we appreciate everyone on the bridge with us, waiting to see just how slick the log is.

If you like our style, come for a stay or join us for a class or event--like our Healthy Eating from the Garden class to be held next Saturday, August 17th. We sold out for our first farm to table event, the August Abundance Dinner. But we are looking forward to holding many more events in the new barn, even private ones we can craft to your needs. We recently held a Sausage-Making class for a birthday party--it was great fun!

And if you have any questions or thoughts--don't hesitate to call with your ideas of what you'd like to see at "Whippoorwill School" (our barn building at the farm). We are always ready to get our feet wet (or sometimes soaked) in the creek of life.





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Whippoorwill Creek Farm
Lovilia, Iowa  50150

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