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Off to the Races

Cross your fingers and send positive thoughts out into the universe, because it starts today, the first big push on the rebuilding of the farmhouse.  Two and a half days ago, Beth was in a funk because it looked like the cement guy wouldn't be able to start digging and pouring until February or March.  Nothing else could really happen until the basement was finished  Then, out of the blue, he calls back and says "I had a cancellation, I can come on Friday if you are ready."  

men carrying bath tub
John and Jeff wrestle the tub in the final stages of our house demo

We looked at each other for a moment in disbelief and then said "Ok, let's do it!"

Thing is, we weren't ready.  The chimney still had to come down, the bricks had to be cleared and the old furnace and water heater still had to come out.

A gutted house
The house fully demoed and cleaned

So, on Wednesday, I gathered my hammer drill, dad's old heavy hammer and my fortitude and climbed into the attic and started in on the chimney, scattering bricks like hay seed and by mid day yesterday, Beth and I (with the help of Andrea and Jeff, my sister and brother in law,) dragged out the final bricks and detritus from the basement. Ironically, today (Friday) is  the day that we had chosen to celebrate Thanksgiving, so it seems like perfect timing. 

The house is fully gutted! The walls closest to the camera will all go, leaving a dining room and "lounge"

Unfortunately, it has pushed my writing of this to 4:30 a.m. today, the day that we try to publish our blog, so this post will, perforce, be short.  I'll try to get some good pictures to make up for the brevity, but please enjoy and celebrate this (hopefully) good turn of events.




Unknown member
Nov 29, 2019

A memorable Thanksgiving for you guys. Have a great day and onward and upward.

The Farchuks


Unknown member
Nov 29, 2019

Happy Thanksgiving. Enjoy your cement pour. You two never cease to amaze and inspire us all. We skied Winter Park a few days ago - Loveland 4 packs are on sale for 160 or so dollars....


Unknown member
Nov 29, 2019

You adventures continue to amaze us. Great luck shall abound I command it.


Manning and Jane

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Whippoorwill Creek Farm
Lovilia, Iowa  50150

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