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S'mores, Sauces or Blogging Anyone?

This post was also published on Beth's blog In the Dirt.

Officially summer doesn’t arrive until the end of June. But the days are now shorts-wearing-warm and the grass has grown waist-deep and is already going to seed. The spring frenzy to plant everything in the garden has almost closed its window. And soon we will be knee-deep into the annual anxiety over hay (when should we cut it, will it get rained on, will it be ruined…?).

Yet this summer brings new adventures too—our barn is up and running and we have a lineup of classes and events we hope will inspire more people to visit and stay at the farm. A Burger and S’mores Night is our first “just for fun” event, an opportunity to teach people about the farm and get together with friends and families young and old, and hopefully even those we have yet to meet.

Register for classes at

Of course, there are also cows and goats to tend, veggies to harvest and wild plants to forage.

It’s a lot for two 50-something humans to accomplish, it’s true. But we are no longer alone on the farm; it has been a game changer to have more people working with us this year.

Jacob, who moved out from Colorado with his wife last year, has been helping us with livestock. His presence has improved our lives immeasurably as we are now able to take time off and leave the operation in the hands of someone who cares. Now, as part of his own goals, Jacob has planted wheat on our farm, and we are looking forward to seeing how this organic crop will work here in southern Iowa.

We also have several farmers from Ethiopia planting corn and potatoes this year on the farm. They live in Des Moines and have been farming with Global Greens but needed more land to grow their businesses. We are thrilled to have them here on the farm with us.

Jonathan is also working with us this year. He is a graduate of Maharishi International University in Fairfield and works as a Value Chain Coordinator with Eat Greater Des Moines. He loves to have his hands in the dirt and helps us with all of our vegetable growing and harvesting. Plus, as an extra perk for us, he’s got an infectious positive spirit.

The end of a writing class—enjoying a meal together in the barn.

And of course, we are happy to be hosting an increasing number of people on the farm to learn and spend time. It is a satisfying fulfillment of our vision. We grow great food, but it is the consumer who makes the whole process worthwhile.


1 comentario

Miembro desconocido
21 may 2024

you sure have accomplished so much

your community is very lucky to have you

continued success!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the shifrins

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Whippoorwill Creek Farm
Lovilia, Iowa  50150

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