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Winter is Coming! (Thank God!)

The Freak Out Season (aka, summer), of getting cattle and goats moved daily from paddock to paddock setting up waterers and scrambling to get animals to the locker, began in April and is slowly winding down. If you are interested in getting some Whippoorwill Creek Farm beef or goat this year, I'd encourage you to speak up soon--I only have a half beef left for the next delivery and November is selling out fast.  

All in all, this year has been a bit of a relief, as last year at this time we were in the middle of a wrenching drought that had hammered us for three and a half years.  My fat calves were on the way to being ready for market, but I was pretty desperate to find any decent quality forage for them.  

Cattle graze in a pasture on a beautiful frosty morning.
Last years market calves on a frosty morning in November.

We wound up moving fourteen of them from the main farm to the hay field behind our house.  I'd never grazed cattle on this land, but it was the best forage I had left.  I'd only taken one cutting of hay off it (typically two would be the standard), so my regrowth was pretty good. When I turned them into the pasture, the calves were in tall clover and began to bulk up immediately. It ended up being a good choice in a bad situation.

A black white faced cow with her remarkably similar calf.
One of our masked black baldies decided to clone herself!

This year, we have had quite a bit more rain and aren't in a drought anymore - though it is still quite dry.  Our cattle and goats are enjoying the plenty that comes from late summer and early fall.  Paddock rotations become longer and we are in the downhill slide toward the blessed relief of winter downtime, with short days and long nights spent in front of the fire.

But - there's still plenty to do!

Calving is in full swing, with four new calves added just today! It is a truly a thing of beauty to see these calves each year! They are all pretty sweet, slightly stupid and getting their legs under them in the cooling days.

Beyond that, we have new classes, dinners, farm visits and other events here at the Whippoorwill for you, and fencing and projects with the animals for us, so look out for our upcoming calendar of fun fall happenings and get your beef order in soon!



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Whippoorwill Creek Farm
Lovilia, Iowa  50150

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